Adoption at a distance


Kamalakar Naik ( India )  and  Nancy Jhovana Uscamayta Tacusi ( Peru )


Kamalakar Naik

Born on the 17th of July 1993 in India, state Karnataka. He has 2 older siblings, a sister Tara and a brother Ravi.His father Shankar works as a „kuli“ ( wage labourer ), his mother Nagamma is a housewife. Kamalakar has a dream to be a cricket player.

In November 2004 I had became an „adoptive parent“ of an Indian boy Kamalakar. I was inspired with a web-site of Arcidiecézní charita Praha ( ).



Nancy Jhovana Uscamayta Tacusi

Born on the 14th of December 1995 in Peru, at a village Yanaoca. She has 2 sisters, Delia is 14 years old, Maryna 8 years. Father Monero Uscamayta Condo left the family, mother Juana Tacusi Huanca works in agriculture. Nancy Jhovana would study at the state university.

In June 2008 I had became an „adoptive parent“ of a Peruan girl Nancy Jhovana . More about the project Nadace Inka - website


Jan Havelka



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Seskok se blíží :-)

21/05/2009 18:59
Tak už mám termín - 11.července bude ten den, kdy si splním jeden ze svých snů a skočím si poprvé v životě ( doufám, že ne naposled :-) padákem...


Už jsem zase fit :-)

25/04/2009 14:47
Sláva! Ortéza je pryč a seskok padákem se blíží...už se moc těším


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